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Sunday, January 31, 2010

This week....

This week, I am excited about:
-playdates with some of my favorite people!
-finding out how much Liv has grown at her checkup.
-an organized pantry, with labeled shelves.  (Who put twelve bags of chocolate chips in my pantry is beyond me...goodbye old chips and Halloween candy!!)
A baby that will entertain herself on the floor for half an hour...

The triple pack of Lysol wipes from Costco....

A daughter that will hold the baby and NOT poke her in the eye...

A playmate for each of my 2 1/2 year olds to play cool games like "rocketship" with.
(Note the "space helmet" on Bub)

 My newest project....nursery art! (forgive the glare...)
This book..."Keeping House" has a section for to clean every room of the house, and checklists for tasks that need to be done daily, weekly and yearly.  There is info on how to clean every surface imaginable, how to get out every stain imaginable.  It is my Bible this week!  I am done with dirt and clutter!!
A bee-yooo-ti-ful stack of felt just waiting to be cut up and made into something...

A husband who finally chopped down the crappy mesquite tree in our back yard to make room for the new playscape for the babies!  
(I took a picture of him hauling the cut logs off...but the state of our yard is not yet something I want immortalized on film, so I refrain from posting it.  You can thank me for that.)


Alison said...

Really enjoying reading your blog. You always make me laugh! And then cry (at your superior powers of getting stuff done, sewing, artsy stuff, and having your children look at the camera, not anywhere besides, when taking a picture).