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Thursday, April 16, 2009

We have been back from Iowa for some time, but I am just now finding energy to blog about our trip!  Air travel with two babies was not as horrible as I had expected, but the anxiety of expecting the worst wore me out!!  I packed what should be an illegal amount of snacks and toys for the plane, and the trip up there didn't even warrant busting out my stuff.  The two flights were so empty that Shawn and I both sat in our own row with a baby and both of them slept quite a while.  The trip back....not so easy.  I guess the novelty of flying had worn off, and they wanted "DOWN!" the whole time.  They were both literally seizing with energy before we took off in Minneapolis, so (for the comfort of the other passengers) I gave them each half an easy melt benadryl.  (this was preapproved by the doctor, in case you were wondering!)  It didn't take FIVE minutes and they were OUT.  Cale was so doozly that he was trying to put his pacifier back in his mouth, but kept stuffing the toy snake he had in the other hand in his mouth.  It was pretty funny.  Sadly, we had to land in Chicago, and the noise woke them up....I think they would have slept the whole time if we had flown direct....Anyway, to make a long story short....don't give your toddler the second half of the benadryl two hours after the first has the total opposite effect.  They were like rabid dogs on the flight from chicago to took a LOT of snacks, crayons, stickers, patience, etc. to manage that flight!  We ended up having to rent a car to drive home from Houston, which was actually a relief to me, because they slept in car seats the whole way back to SA and I didn't have to worry about them horrifying other passengers!  
The wedding itself was great...the babies behaved, and Sissy actually walked down the aisle in her first foray at "flower girling".....despite screaming "DADDY!!! BUBBY!!!!" as she walked.  They loved dancing at the reception, and got to see snow for the first time. Hayden ate a snowball, and cried when I took it away....(it was melting all over our hotel room floor)
The hotel we stayed in was so cute, and looked just like a ski lodge....and as an added bonus, they provided breakfast every morning, so all we had to do was get the babies out of bed and head downstairs in our jammies....I really resented having to make them breakfast myself the first morning we were home!  :) 
It was a fun trip....traveling with toddlers isn't going on my "favorites" list, but we managed!