Candy corn. Seriously, this stuff needs to disappear from my kitchen island. If you call yourself my friend, please stage an intervention and dump the bowl into my trash.
My new camera.
This lotion. It's about this time of the year that my hands start looking and feeling like those of a four hundred year old. I've put this on four times today already.
My neutrogena at home microdermabrasion kit. Oh. My.
You want your face to feel like your baby's rear? Get yourself this thing!
My autumn scented BBW candle. I love it! It smells amazing....but I think this one is a bit of a dud because the last one I lit I could smell from my front yard.
I found a box of Mr. Sketch markers in my office stuff, and now I'm unnecessarily highlighting things in my planner just to smell them. If you see me in public with rainbow colored dots on my nose and upper lip, please refrain from pointing.
Sofia champagnes....tiny champagnes with a little straw attached. It's momma's Capri Sun!!
The tiny cat. She's always good for some laughs.
I'm obsessed with the idea of eating a double doozie from the cookie company at the mall. This all started on Saturday when I had to leave a birthday party to shoot a wedding, and realized the cake was a huge cookie cake. I'm not kidding, I thought about that thing at least twice while shooting the wedding...resenting that I didn't get any!
I've also decided I need:
Tall brown boots. I love tall boots, but they create quite the issue. For one, it's hardly ever cold enough here to warrant tall boots. Last year, I sweated my way through many an event because of camel colored sweater Uggs. I know they're impractical for south Texas, but I need them anyway.
New aviators. I had some at one point, but I'm not sure where they went. I know this aviator thing has been going on for awhile and is probably on it's way out, but I want some anyway.
A silhouette machine. I salivate thinking about the crafty amazing-ness I could create with this thing.
A flip video. I know I can take video with my iphone, (and I'm reminded of this all the time by the DH)
but I really want a camera ONLY for video, and one that will fit in my purse. I'm done with the video camera with the little tiny tapes that have to be transferred and burned (real time, no less) onto DVDs. Ugh.
A big brown bag. To match the aforementioned boots, of course. I love all the buckles on this thing.
A portable light kit. Looking at this set doesn't make me instantly think of "ease of transport" but it might not be that bad. I just need softboxes to use, especially with newborns.
To think, this whole blog post started with me googling the nutritional content of candy corn....