We are slowly but surely recovering from the fiasco that was Christmas 2009. Despite all our efforts to talk about what Christmas was really about, and focus on fun traditions (rather than "stuff") we ended up with a lot (read: LOT) of stuff in this house. We are so grateful, because so many people love our kids and want to give them something for Christmas...they have loved playing with all their new toys, and combining them all together. (For example: the Fisher Price bride and groom are in the new grocery cart with pots and pans and all the pieces of the doctor kit. This drives me to the brink of insanity, but I am refraining from sorting and trying to let them play without my interference.)
Christmas Eve we went to Shawn's grandma's where the babies were SHOWERED with gifts from Nana, grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins. Everyone picked things that were perfect for them, and they wanted to open everything at her house (and take out all the tiny parts) but we held them off until we got home. We hustled them into their jammies (Santa still had work to do and needed them to get into bed!) and Daddy read "The Night Before Christmas" to them. All I wanted was one bucolic photo of the father of my children and his three adorable children in matched jammies, snuggled together reading the classic Christmas story...what I got was a series of photos in which Livi was SCREAMING in desperate hunger, and Hayden was starting to meltdown because she realized her greatest fear was upon her. (Santa coming inside her house) He read faster and faster until he was practically skipping pages until the story was over.....we laid out milk and brownies for Santa, and I ended up getting another photo of Hayden with her whole fist in her mouth, crying and saying "I don't want it to be Christmas!". I am POSITIVE I am the only person on the planet who's kid went to bed in a fit of terror over it being Christmas. After convincing her to sleep alone, we finally got to bring everything out and get the last of the battery operated items running.....They were overwhelmed in the morning, but have played with all their new things NON stop since opening them. We might have to rethink the amount of stuff they get next year.....I am thinking "Santa" might be able to take a year off since so many family members get so many nice things for them. All things considered, Christmas becomes more and more fun now that we have these tiny people to share it with.....I love that everything is so fun and exciting for them! Now if I can only muster up some energy to take down all these decorations I'll be just fine....
Memories in store for 2024!
*JANUARY 2024*
Holidays were over & the kids got right back into the routine of things.
Bright & early Delilah had to be up & at'em to meet up with the ...
9 months ago
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