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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mommy and Cale in Rockport.
Warning: Rockport makes most people look like a cat sucked on their hair.
The days of sleeping all day are OVER....the babies want to be entertained now, especially Cale. He is so happy in the stroller at the he flirted with all the ladies in Dillard's....he was squealing and cooing to anyone who would look at him. They are getting so funny!

The last few weeks have been pretty eventful....the babies made their first trip to the coast with me and my mom....we met my grandparents and uncle in Rockport for two days. Despite my disappointment at realizing Rockport is not the tropical paradise I imagined it to be during my childhood, we had a pretty good time! I didn't take the babies to the beach or into the swimming pool, because Daddy stayed home in SA and I didn't want him to miss such important "firsts". We didn't do much except sit on the patio and look at the ocean (and wonder whether or not the tropical storm was going to wash us away). We had a pretty stressful lunch at The Big Fisherman....(home of the potato-less potato soup and the most disillusioned waitresses in the coastal area...) when Hayden decided to do her high pitched screaming routine while we were eating....I know it was her reflux acting up, and we were trying everything to make her feel better...when lo and behold I hear a woman's voice behind me say "They should DO something!" If I had known for sure who behind me had offered such sage advice, I would have had a colorful response for her...but seeing as I wasn't sure who exactly made the remark, I kept my mouth shut. That kind of stuff drives me crazy!!! Along with the comment, "I am SO glad I am not HER!" when people see me tooling in with my double wide of a stroller. My mom says I should smile and say, "Yes, you don't look like you could handle it." or the meaner response, "What a coincidence!! I was just thinking I was SO glad that I wasn't YOU!" Of course, I never actually say anything....I just think it and complain about it later....:) I have always been the person who hears the insult in temporal distortion mode and comes up with a great response in the car on the way home, wishing I had thought of it faster and at the time!

Of course, the babies loved being held by someone for 48 straight hours, but it made it a little hard on me when we got home....I am realizing we need a schedule!!! They are great night time sleepers, and Hayden naps pretty well, but Cale stays awake all day, and then gets so exhausted that dinner time is miserable if he hasn't had a nap in the afternoon... I have about a thirty minute window to try to get him into his crib or he goes past the point of no return and is hysterical. They are taking one great morning nap, and then I have been letting them sleep in their carseats when we are on the go....apparently (according to the baby books) we can't do that anymore.

They are so, so different now in their little personalities....Hayden is so easy that I would have five kids if they were all like her....she doesn't even cry when she wakes up...sometimes we just see her little feet kicking in the air and when we go check on her, she is smiling and looking up at us!! Cale, on the other hand, is a little need a little bit more patience with him! He is still a sweet, happy baby, but I spend a lot more time trying to figure out what he wants! My mom said he is a "male chauvanist piglet"....wants all his custodial needs taken care of by women, (including feeding) but wants to socialize with men. He definitely thinks he is one of the boys!

I went to have lunch with my "school girlfriends" was so fun seeing them, and it makes me a little sad I am not going back to school....I am so grateful I am getting the chance to stay home with the babies, but this is a big change because it is the first August in nine years that I haven't been getting ready for the first day of school! I was sad to leave them today....I may try to sub a few days this semester just to earn a few extra bucks and get to hang out with my girls! I will probably miss teaching....I loved making real connections with my kids, and knowing I made a difference in some of their little, my students were always the greatest givers of unconditional love....I told Shawn that being spotted in HEB by my former students is my only chance to feel like a local celebrity! But I know the chance to be here every day with my babies is too great to pass up!! I love that I see all of their "firsts" first hand...

We are going Sunday to buy high chairs...can't believe they are already getting that big....I remember when it was easy to hold them with one hand! Makes me remember to enjoy every day as much as I can, because they are growing so fast!