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Monday, August 29, 2011

The tiny one likes to "help"....

I was trying out some new photography equipment the other day, and the tiny one was all but under my eyelid the whole time.  Anyone who has kids understands this phenomena....when you are screaming their name to come put their shoes on, they are no where to be found.  When you are trying to open/set up/figure something out that requires no help whatsoever, they instantly have nothing better to do than "help".  Since she was all up in my business, I made her be my model.  These pictures crack me up...

I love that I have a tiny, shirtless chubster living with me, especially since she insists a princess wand is called a "sword" and makes hilarious faces that crack me and her daddy up.  
Today, we laughed so hard at her, because she is such a two year old.  We were talking to her in the car, and she would randomly holler out things like "I DON'T YIKE IT!" or "NO I DON'T!"  at totally inappropriate times.  She has a natural inclination to defy someone, it just makes no sense whatsoever.  
Here are a few more of my silly girl....


Alison said...

You are such a talented photographer!!