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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The little party that wasn't...("little" that is!)

Saturday night was our "little" celebration for Livi.....which didn't feel so little considering the family alone filled up our house.....our house isn't tiny, but after hosting three different things here this month, I am ready to move!  There is no where for anyone to be!  The area where people like to stand around and talk (kitchen) is just too little.....what was this post about again?  The baby, that's right!  I'll lead you down my "new house" tangent at another time.
So baby was feeling less than healthy on Saturday....she didn't have a fever, but she did have a runny nose and was a little grumpy.  It wasn't her naptime, but I laid her down a few hours before her party because I knew she wasn't going to make it otherwise.  Besides her looking adorable and actually showing interest in her gifts, she didn't put on much of a show for her guests.  She didn't even want to touch her cupcake, and didn't feel well enough to eat any at all!  No smiling during the "Happy Birthday" song, but then again no screaming either so I guess I'll take the alternative.
Looking adorable in birthday outfit
With mommy and daddy...notice her focus is elsewhere.  She was very worried about how she was going to manage to eat some grass without us stopping her. 
Some pre-party guitar entertainment courtesy of Bub.
Unhappy birthday baby.  Not only did she refuse to try the cupcake, she flipped it over so that she didn't even have to look at it.
So maybe the presents perked her up a little bit.